An article by Tom McEnchroe on - Oldest cave paintings in Czech Republic discovered at Catherine Cave near Brno - reports that archaeologists have discovered rock art which is the oldest yet found in the Czech Republic. The images were made using charcoal and are thought to be roughly 6,000 years old.
These images had remained undetected because they were hidden among many other drawings made in latter periods. The Catherine Cave lies just a few kilometres from the Moravian capital of Brno. It has been a popular place to visit for thousands of years, and its walls are covered with graffiti.
Speleologist Petr Zajíček. made the discovery with his colleague Martin Golec, an archaeologist from the Palacký University in Olomouc. Dr. Golec is a member of a group researching the rock art in the nearby Býčí skála Cave.
Images: Petr Zajíček.