Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Database
Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Database
Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Databasek
Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Database
Keywords pertinent to the study of Cultural Resource Management, Conservation, and Preservation
Extracted from the Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Database

Abstract: Cultural resource managers, researchers, and students find access to the world’s rock art literature, both published and grey literature, greatly simplified with the use of the Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Database. Hosted with open access on the Museum of Northern Arizona (USA) website, the database platform allows for simple, global, and complex searches of the literature. With more than 47,200 citations, this resource provides a comprehensive source for rock art literature, from the earliest years of its study to the present.

The subject keywords catalogued in this document are intended to assist the user who is interested in issues of rock art resource management, conservation and preservation to more efficiently make use of their time and increase their yield of pertinent search results. The Keywords suggested here were culled from nearly 4000 records with relevance to this field of inquiry.

Leigh Marymor, Research Associate
Museum of Northern Arizona | Flagstaff

Extracted from the Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Database:

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A list of keywords pertinent to the study of Cultural Resource Management, Conservation, and Preservation can be found below.

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A list of keywords pertinent to the study of Cultural Resource Management, Conservation, and Preservation can be found below.



  • Bureaucracy
  • Conservation District
  • Conservation easement
  • Fundraising
  • Grassroots
    • Community organizing
  • Land Trust
    • Land acquisition
    • Trustee
  • Law enforcement
    • Prosecution
  • Laws
  • Litigation
    • Valuation
  • Legislation
  • Networking
    • Private
    • Public
  • Partnership
    • Alliances
    • Collaboration
    • Government/Sovereign Nation
    • Public/Private
  • Political and public awareness
    • Political action
    • Politics
Community Engagement
  • Community involvement
  • Aboriginal Ranger Program
  • Citizen participation
    • Citizen scientist
  • Descendant communities
  • Indigenous intellectual property
    • Appropriation
    • Commoditization
  • Indigenous property rights
    • Cultural property
    • Native Title
  • Indigenous values
  • Custodianship
    • Stewardship
  • Economic benefits
    • Community development
    • Consumerism
    • Marketing
  • Landscape values
  • Oral history, interview, narrative, story
  • Outreach
  • Public relations
  • Repatriation
  • Traditional knowledge
  • Well-being
Cultural Landscape
  • Historic landscape
  • Social landscape
Cultural Resource Management (CRM)
  • Archival records, storage
  • Area of Cultural and Environmental Concern (ACEC)
  • Best practices
    • Harm, do no
    • Reversibility
  • Condition Assessment
    • Geological risk assessment
    • Geomorphic stability assessment
    • Risk, Risk map
    • Risk, Risk map
    • Rock Art Stability Index (RASI)
  • Conservation, thechniques
  • Consultation
  • Disaster planning
  • Documentation
    • Recording from
  • Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
  • Evaluation
  • Interagency cooperation
  • Interpretation
    • Etic/Emic
    • Multivocality
  • Intervention
    • Mitigation
  • Inventory
    • Database
    • Geographical Information System (GIS)
  • Management plan
  • Monitoring
    • Color monitoring
  • Multiple use
  • Significance
  • Site record
  • Special Protection Area
  • Stakeholder
  • Strategies
  • Survey
  • Visitor study
  • Archive
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Digital archive
  • Dissemination
  • Geoeducation
  • Graduate education
    • Thesis
    • Dissertation
  • Interpretive facility, center
    • Archaeological Park
    • Cultural Park
    • Heritage Park
    • Visitor Center
  • Juvenile literature
  • Museum
    • Museum exhibition
    • Museum, open-air, outdoor
    • Museum, virtual
  • Post-graduate education
  • Primary education
  • Public awareness
  • Public education
    • Community education
  • Secondary education
  • Social media
  • Tertiary education
  • Web-based media
Environmental impacts
  • Air quality
    • Atmospheric pressure
    • Radon
  • Animal
    • Bats
    • Bird guano
    • Bird nest, nesting
    • Cattle, grazing, rubbing
  • Biodeterioration
  • Climate
    • Climate change
    • Sea level rise
  • Deterioration, decay
  • Biological
  • Geochemical
  • Geophysical
  • Dust
  • Ecosystem
  • Fire, impacts
    • Forest fire
    • Smoke
    • Wildfire
  • Hydrology, water
    • Floods
    • Freeze-thaw cycle
    • Hurricane
    • Hydrothermal fluids
    • Moisture
    • Percolation
    • Precipitation, rain
    • Rainwater infiltration
    • Water vapor
  • Insect
    • Mud-nest
    • Termite
    • Wasp
  • Light
    • Fading
    • Lightfastness
    • Microfading
  • Microclimate
  • Mineral
  • Plant
    • Algae
    • Bacteria
    • Biofilm
    • Fungi, fungus
    • Lichen
    • Lichenometry
    • Microbes
    • Microorganism
    • Mold
    • Moss
    • Pathogens
  • Seismic activity
  • Ventilation, natural
  • Weathering
    • Weathering rinds
  • Academic integrity
  • Code of ethics
  • Colonialism
    • Decolonisation
    • Post colonialism
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Control and power
  • Cultural appropriation
  • Exploitation
  • Professional vandalism
  • Collapse
  • Cracks
  • Deterioration
  • Erosion
    • Sand
    • Water
    • Wind
  • Morphology
  • Spalling
  • Stress, strain
  • Subsidence
    • Creep effect
    • Slope aspect
    • Soil erosion
  • Substrate
  • Cultural identity
  • Cultural values
  • Globalism
  • Indigenous worldview
  • Living Tradition
  • Nationalism
  • National Register of Historic Places
  • Patrimony
  • Significance
  • Spiritual beliefs
  • UNESCO World Heritage
    • List
    • Nomination
Human impacts
  • Agriculture
  • Air pollution, Air quality
    • Acid rain
    • Carbon dioxide levels
  • Cast, Casting
    • Estampage
    • Imprint
    • Latex mold
    • Mould, moulding
    • Plaster
    • Silicon mold
    • Squeeze
  • Chalk
    • Gypsum
  • Contact tracing
  • Contamination
  • Cultural ecology
  • Dam construction
    • Hydro-power
    • Inundation
    • Sedimentation
    • Water level management
  • Destructive recording methods
  • Deterioration
    • Anthropic
  • Firearms
    • Bullet hole
    • Paint ball
    • Target practice
  • Fumigation
  • Graffiti
  • Illumination
    • LED lighting system
    • Photochemical damage
  • Industrialization
  • Infrastructure
  • Insecticide
  • Landfill
  • Military training
  • Over-use
    • Carrying capacity
    • Unintentional damage
  • Pollution
    • Environmental pollution
    • Light pollution
    • Sound pollution
  • Proximity
  • Public works
  • Range management
  • Recreation
    • Bouldering
    • Leisure activities
    • Off highway vehicle
    • Rock climbing
    • Shooting, firearms
    • Ski run
    • Sports
  • Religious practices
    • Iconoclasm
    • Ritual defacement
  • Repainting
  • Resource extraction
    • Deforestation
    • Geothermal Development
    • Gravel mining
    • Logging
    • Mining impacts
    • Oil and gas development
    • Petrochemical
    • Quarry, rock
  • Restoration
    • Cleaning
    • Laser cleaning
    • Lichen removal
  • Retouch, reuse
  • Road construction
  • Rubbing
  • Sample removal
  • Soil ecology
  • Theft
    • Looting
  • Touching
  • Urban development
    • Housing
    • Population growth
  • Vandalism
    • Aggression, psychology of
    • Ideology, motivated by
    • Law enforcement
    • Professional vandalism
    • Security
  • Vehicle traffic
  • Vibration
  • Wetting
Institutional resources
  • Bradshaw Rock Art Foundation
  • Canadian Conservation Institute
  • Getty Conservation Institute
  • International Committee on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
  • International Federation of Rock Art Organizations (IFRAO)
  • Rock Art Network (RAN)
  • Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Database (RASBdb)
  • Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center
  • Trust for African Rock Art
  • University of California Rock Art Archive (UCLARAA)
  • World Heritage List
Physical Interventions
  • Algicide
  • Biocides
  • Climate control
    • Temperature
    • Humidity
  • Drip system
  • Exfoliation
  • Fire management
  • Graffiti reintegration
    • Graffiti in-fill
  • Graffiti removal
    • Abrasives
    • Dry ice blasting
    • Laser removal
    • Paint removal
    • Sand blasting
    • Solvents
  • In-situ, removed from
  • Iron fasteners and iron stains,
    • Removal of
  • Lichen removal
  • Lighting control
  • Massive alterations
    • Monumental structure
  • Microbiology
  • Microwave heating
  • Protective structure, Infrastructure
    • Maintenance
    • Neglect
  • Range management
  • Road construction
  • Salvage archaeology
  • Seismic monitor
  • Site improvements
  • Signs
    • Interpretive
    • Legal notice
  • Stabilization
    • Chemical treatment
    • Consolidation
    • Epoxy
    • Floor stabilization
    • Grout
    • Polymers
    • Resins
  • Visitor control
  • Camping
  • Commercial tour
  • Demographics
  • Digital visitor aid
  • Eco-tourism
  • Field trip policy
  • Guidelines
  • Guides
  • Interpretive
    • Brochure
    • Center, Facility, Kiosk
    • Multimedia
    • Sign, signage
    • Trail
  • Internet connectivity
  • “New Age” tourists
  • Public access, controlled access
    • Barrier, low visual impact, low rail
    • Barrier, psychological
    • Boardwalk, catwalk, walkway
    • Cage, grill
    • Fence
    • Gated access
    • Parking area
    • Road closure
    • Site Closure
    • Stairs
    • Trail, interpretive
    • Viewing platform
  • Publication of site locations
    • Confidentiality
    • Internet
    • Social media
  • Regulations
  • Replica
    • Authenticity
    • Facsimile
    • Reproduction
    • Simulation
  • Tour, self-guided
  • Tourism
    • Cultural tourism
    • Eco-tourism
    • Geotourism
    • Sustainable tourism
  • Trespass
  • Vegetation control
  • Virtual tour
  • Visitor behavior
  • Visitor book
    • Visitor register
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Field training
  • Mobile phone applications
    • “Rock Art CARE”
  • Site Monitor
  • Stewardship
  • Training

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