Narratives and Journeys in Rock Art: A Reader
edited by George Nash and Aron Mazel
New publication
Paperback; 175x245mm; xiv+686 pages; illustrated throughout in colour and black & white (81 plates in colour).
ISBN: 9781784915605
Price: £75.00
Why publish a Reader? Today, it is relatively easy and convenient to switch on your computer and download an academic paper. However, as many scholars have experienced, historic references are difficult to access. Moreover, some are now lost and are merely references in later papers. This can be frustrating. This book provides a series of papers from all over the world that extend as far back as the 1970s when rock art research was in its infancy. The papers presented in the Reader reflect the development in the various approaches that have influenced advancing scholarly research.
Bradshaw Foundation Editor's note:
The paradigms highlighted in this collection of carefully chosen papers represent many of the essential emerging fields in rock art around the world. Indeed, the publication charts the progress of the study of rock art firstly as a science and secondly as an essential element of archaeology. As Carolyn Boyd puts it, rock art study has in the past been considered 'a stepchild of archaeology'. Today, the archaeological community has recognized the insights that rock art studies can provide into a region's prehistory. This publication should be the first of many.
Narratives and Journeys in Rock Art: A Reader - edited by George Nash and Aron Mazel. New publication #archaeology
— Bradshaw Foundation (@BradshawFND) December 11, 2018
The papers include:
Seeing and Construing: The Making and 'Meaning' of a Southern African Rock Art Motif by J.D. Lewis-Williams
The power of a place in understanding southern San rock engravings by Janette Deacon
Unsettled times: shaded polychromes and the making of hunter-gatherer history in the southeastern mountains of southern Africa by Aron D. Mazel
Rainbow Colour and Power among the Waanyi of Northwest Queensland by Paul S. C. Taçon
Caves as Landscapes by Jean Clottes
A discovery of possible Upper Palaeolithic Parietal art in Cathole Cave, Gower Peninsula, South Wales by George Nash, Peter van Calsteren, Louise Thomas and Michael J. Simms
Shamanism, Natural Modeling and the Rock Art Hunter-Gatherers by David S. Whitley
From natural settings to spiritual places in the Algonkian sacred landscape: an archaeological, ethnohistorical, and ethnographic analysis of Canadian Shield rockart sites by Daniel Arsenault
GEORGE NASH is an Associate Professor at Geosciences Centre of Coimbra University (u. ID73-FCT), Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (IPT), Portugal. Dr Nash is a specialist in openair rock art and contemporary street art and has recently undertaken fieldwork and research in Andean Chile, the Negev Desert in southern Israel, central Portugal and Wales.
ARON MAZEL is a Reader in Heritage Studies at Newcastle University, United Kingdom. Dr Mazel has done extensive recording of rock art in the uKhahlamba-Drakensberg (South Africa) and Northumberland (United Kingdom).
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