Life-sized reliefs of camels and equids: The Camel Site in Saudi Arabia
Life-sized reliefs of camels and equids: The Camel Site in Saudi Arabia
Life-sized reliefs of camels and equids: The Camel Site in Saudi Arabia
The Rock Art of Saudi Arabia
Life-sized reliefs of camels and equids:
The Camel Site in Saudi Arabia
Maria Guagnin (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History)
Guillaume Charloux (CNRS, UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée)
Abdullah M. AlSharekh (King Saud University)
Life-sized reliefs of camels and equids: The Camel Site in Saudi Arabia

Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Camel carving on Panel 11
© Guillaume Charloux
The Camel Site in al-Jawf Province of Saudi Arabia is a unique rock art site in the Near East due to the style and age of the art. The site has now been documented in great detail, beginning in 2016, and the subsequent detailed heritage management assessment indicates that the reliefs are in danger of imminent destruction from erosion - wind erosion and salt weathering caused by temperature and humidity differences - and the site has also suffered extensively from vandalism, bulldozing and agricultural irrigation. These factors have caused severe damage to the carved panels, but now the heritage management assessment is in place, it is hoped that further deterioration can be avoided. Unfortunately, it is not only the carved panels that are in jeopardy; the area surrounding the rock spurs where the panels are located is also an important part of the archaeological site, and numerous chipped stone scatters are still visible on the surface but this area has also been heavily damaged by agricultural landscaping through bulldozing. However, the situation now appears to be stable. Despite the advanced state of erosion, once protected and restored, the Camel Site will have considerable potential for tourism and education.

Life-sized reliefs of camels and equids: The Camel Site in Saudi Arabia

Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Young, wild equid nose to nose with
a wild camel on Panel 2
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Detail of a wild camel and
a young wild equid on Panel 2
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Close up of wild equid
on Panel 2
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Morning light showing
detail on Panel 2
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Night photograph
of Panel 2
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Team member taking close
up photographs of Panel 12
© Guillaume Charloux
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Camel carving on Panel 12
© Maria Guagnin
Camel carving on Panel 12
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean?
Detail of camel carving on Panel 12
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Detail of camel carving on Panel 10
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Camel carving on Panel 10
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Camel carving on Panel 10
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Relief of a camel that has fallen down
the slope and broken apart on Panel 5
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Close up of relief
on Panel 5
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Detail of camel
carving on Panel 5
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Detail of camel
carving on Panel 5
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Unfinished panel of a camel
showing the engraving process
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Erosion has caused Panel 3 to
start sliding down the slope
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Detailed carving of a camel
head, with lips and eye shown
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Detailed carving of
the camel’s face
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Stone mason Franck Burgos (CNRS)
assessing the reliefs on Panel 8
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Later rock art, human
figures with guns hunting a camel
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Small engraving of an
ibex with ribbed horns
© Maria Guagnin
Rock Art Saudi Arabia Camel Equids Site Animal Reliefs Jawf Province Sakâkâ Nabataean
Bodies and legs of
two large animals
© Guillaume Charloux

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