Life-sized reliefs of camels and equids: The Camel Site in Saudi Arabia
Life-sized reliefs of camels and equids: The Camel Site in Saudi Arabia
Life-sized reliefs of camels and equids: The Camel Site in Saudi Arabia
The Rock Art of Saudi Arabia
Life-sized reliefs of camels and equids: The Camel Site in Saudi Arabia

Maria Guagnin
Maria Guagnin
(Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History)
Maria Guagnin Biography

Guillaume Charloux
Guillaume Charloux
(CNRS, UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée)
Guillaume Charloux Biography

Abdullah M. AlSharekh
Abdullah M. AlSharekh
M.Phil & Ph.D Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Cambridge Associate Professor, Dept. Of Archaeology, King Saud University  Former Dean, College of Tourism & Archaeology, King Saud University

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