This ivory figurine was broken in ancient times and now consists of only the lower body and legs on which traces of red ochre have been noted. Although rather flat in cross-section the stomach is indicated by incised lines on each side and a depression marks the navel. The sexual triangle is also drawn with incised lines. The thighs are open and end in points. On the back there are seven parallel, horizontal incised lines on the left side.
Dolní Vestonice, Moravia, Czech Republic.
Brno Museum, Czech Republic.
Culture taking its name from the La Gravette site, Dordogne, France, and lasted from about 28,000 years ago until 22,000 years ago. Original elements in Gravettian cave art include the use of hand stencils, and the type of female statuette widely but incorrectly known as 'Venus' first appear in the portable art of this period.
Source: Dr Jean Clottes